SO-SO NEWS is all I have at this point. I went to my retina specialist last Monday. I had suspicions that something wasn't quite good enough. I could still see straight lines looking curvy and trouble seeing the middle of words with my Evil Eye. I guess enough of the gas bubble had absorbed so that I could get an idea of what was in store vision-wise. The doctor took an OCT image of the previous macular hole. Good News - yes, it had indeed closed. Bad News - there is an area of a nerve defect (damage?) under where the hole closed. I was in such dismay and confusion that I didn't think to ask questions - which I definitely will when I go back in 6 weeks. Like, "Why the nerve defect?" "Is this a common result?" "Did I do something wrong?" "Do I need another surgery?" I won't know what the visual acuity measures in that eye until I am finished with the retina specialist and he sends me back to my opthamologist.
The Nasty Bubble still lingers on - making me feel like there is a black ball sitting on my cheek. It should be gone by the next time I go to the doctor.
So, all this hasn't made me very jovial. Thus, the blah blog. I thought in the beginning I was going to write an uplifting journey for others that get a macular hole after me. Put this story isn't over yet......?
Don't get me wrong. I am thankful to God for my precious eyesight because I know there are those without the ability to see the beauty of nature and loved ones in their lives. I will just have a little quirky thing about vision with my Evil Eye. Hopefully, the right eye will compensate so it is not a hindrance.
A Macular Hole (above)
How a Macular Hole Should Heal (above)
How My Macular Hole Healed
Notice the black area under the closed hole (arrow) which the doctor said was a nerve defect. I still don't understand.
So the delay of a post on my blog wasn't "No news is good news ."