Sunday, October 4, 2009

Eight Weeks After Surgery:

PRAISE THE LORD! IT'S BYE-BYE, BUBBLE! After 8 weeks, it's gone! It's actually gone! Yesterday morning it was a tiny black ball bouncing around at the bottom of my vision - and wallah - today it is gone! Yippee! I go back to the doctor on November 2 - four weeks from now. He'll do another OCT image to determine the final outcome with the nerve defect under the closed hole. After that I go back to the opthamologist for a new eyeglass prescription. It will be interesting to see the difference in the acuity 6 months before the macular hole and now.

I'm thanking God that this is almost over and praying that I never have another macular hole. Thanks to all of you for your prayers for my healing - for with God, all things are possible, whether it's Jonah in the whale or the hole in my macula.