Sunday, October 4, 2009

Eight Weeks After Surgery:

PRAISE THE LORD! IT'S BYE-BYE, BUBBLE! After 8 weeks, it's gone! It's actually gone! Yesterday morning it was a tiny black ball bouncing around at the bottom of my vision - and wallah - today it is gone! Yippee! I go back to the doctor on November 2 - four weeks from now. He'll do another OCT image to determine the final outcome with the nerve defect under the closed hole. After that I go back to the opthamologist for a new eyeglass prescription. It will be interesting to see the difference in the acuity 6 months before the macular hole and now.

I'm thanking God that this is almost over and praying that I never have another macular hole. Thanks to all of you for your prayers for my healing - for with God, all things are possible, whether it's Jonah in the whale or the hole in my macula.


  1. oh dear me,

    i am only on Day *14--
    or Week #2--
    of Post Procedure--
    and just found you with my Other Eye!


    after 2 weeks of Sick leave--
    will B 3 weeks next Monday--
    i need to go back to work

    you know how it goes...
    my Recovering Eye is seemingly underwater!


    when i popped in here and saw 8 weeks,
    my heart swooooned with up-set-ness...

    Good Grief!
    6 more weeks
    of this bubble?

    i know i should be thankful
    as i feel the bubble is working,
    i feel that the hole is closing



    going to go back
    and read your entire blog now...

    thanks for being here!

  2. Glad to hear you sounding more upbeat. It is indeed fabulous when the bubble vanishes!

    I'm also anxiously awaiting the day when I can get new glasses after my surgery. I'll be very interested to read your upcoming posts to find out what your doctor says.

    In the meantime, keep the faith.

    (a grateful recipient of top-quality, socialized Canadian health care)
